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Lunch dialogues in Brussels

Much of the plastic that ends up in the oceans comes from waste discarded on land or in rivers by the 2 billion people who don’t have waste collection services.

In October 2018, the EIB launched the Clean Oceans Initiative jointly with the KfW group and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD). Together, the three banks will provide up to €2 billion in lending over the next five years to help the public and private sectors implement sustainable projects that collect plastics and other waste and clean up wastewater before it reaches the ocean.

See our Clean Oceans Initiative factsheet (PDF). 

As part of its Lunch Dialogues series, the EIB has invited key experts to explain how the Clean Oceans Initiative works.The sandwich lunch will start at 12.30 followed by the dialogue from 13.00 till 14.15.


Keynote Speakers


Jonas Byström
Lead Engineer - Urban Development Unit
Projects Directorate
European Investment Bank (EIB)

Klaus Gihr
Head of Division
Infrastructure & Natural Resources
KfW Development Bank

Christine Haffner-Sifakis
Programme & Policy Officer
EC cooperation Corporate Services Division
UN Environment

Pascal Pacaut
Representative to the European Union
French Development Agency

Iain Shepherd
Senior Expert
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
European Commission (EC)

Please register prior 25 February 2019 to access the venue.
Please feel free to forward this invitation.


Due to limited capacity of the conference room, the EIB reserves the right not to accept registration above capacity.

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