Fiche récapitulative
- Eau, assainissement - Production et distribution d'eau; assainissement, gestion des déchets et dépollution
The project involves the implementation of measures to increase the efficiency of the use of water resources in the Jordan Valley.
The overall long-term objectives of the project are to contribute to the following: (i) support the Government of Jordan in achieving measurable improvement and greater sustainability of the water sector as set out in Jordan's National Water Strategy 2016-2025, (ii) reallocation of fresh water resources from agricultural use to potable water supply and contributing to the best management of the existing water resources, (iii) improvement in the efficiency of bulk irrigation water delivery, (iv) increased security of water supply for both domestic and agriculture uses through adaptation to the impacts of climate change, (v) job creation, during construction and through the safeguarding of agricultural activities in one of the poorest areas of Jordan. The project is of high priority for the Jordanian government and is fully in line with EU and EIB priorities and objectives in the country. The project is in line with national priorities, and in particular the National Water Strategy 2016-2025, which identifies the responsible and efficient water management for all uses based on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) as a strategic objective for the water sector. The project contributes to the priority areas of intervention in Jordan identified in the EU Joint Communication on Renewed Partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood, published in February 2021, specifically by supporting a green and resilient recovery in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement and the external dimension of the European Green Deal. The project is also expected to contribute to the objectives of the Team Europe Initiative on the Jordanian water sector by tackling non-revenue water and sustainable water resources management as well as given the expected combination of EU NIP, KfW and EIB funding.
The project involves the implementation of measures to increase the efficiency of the use of water resources in the Jordan Valley thus reducing water losses and contributing to climate change adaptation. It helps mitigate market failures by financing drinking and irrigation water supply infrastructure generating positive externalities, which are not internalised and hence require public intervention. The project thus contributes significantly to the objectives of Jordan's National Water Strategy, the EU Joint Communication on Renewed Partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood, and the EIB Climate Bank Roadmap and Adaptation Plan. The benefits of the project include increased availability of water for domestic, municipal and industrial uses. EIB's financial and non-financial contribution to the project is excellent. The Bank is complementing an advantageous financing package combining loans and grants from KfW, the EU and EIB. In addition, the Bank provided technical expertise in the origination and structuring of the proposed operation, primarily through the feasibility study, which was funded and managed by EIB.
Inside the EU, the project components would be categorised under Annex II and therefore would be subject to environmental screening to define if an environmental impact assessment (EIA) would be required according to the relevant competent authority. The project EIA categorisation will be confirmed during appraisal. Climate change and adaptation aspects will be examined during the appraisal. The Bank will assess the environmental and social aspects of the project during appraisal to ensure adherence to its standards.
The Promoter will have to ensure that procurement for investments financed by the EIB will be done in accordance with the EIB's Guide to Procurement.
This operation is covered by the ELM Guarantee.
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À la une
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