The aim of the Guidance Note is to provide to project promoters practical guidance for the application of the EIB Standard 10 on stakeholder engagement. The Guidance Note will not be mandatory and is intended to be used in conjunction with Standard 10. As a public institution, the EIB actively promotes the right to access to information, as well as public consultation and participation. Its Standard 10 requires promoters to uphold an open, transparent and accountable dialogue with all project affected communities and other relevant stakeholders in an effective and appropriate manner. The value of public participation in the decision-making process is stressed throughout the preparation, implementation and monitoring phases of a project. The right to access to remedy, including through grievance resolution at the project level, is also actively promoted.
Civil society representatives welcomed the discussion and provided valuable and constructive feedback related to different aspects of the draft Note. Comments covered different aspects of the Note, including its applicability, practicality, implementation, and the need for inclusion and special emphasis on more vulnerable groups such as children, youth and persons with disabilities. Some comments focused on elements beyond the remit of the Guidance Note, and will feed into the review of the EIB’s Statement on Environmental and Social Principles and Standards and the related public consultation.
The EIB would like to thank all the participants to this technical workshop for their helpful comments.