On Tuesday 2 October, the EIB’s Office of the Chief Compliance Officer (OCCO) in collaboration with the Bank’s Civil Society Division, held its fourth engagement event with stakeholders regarding the revision of the EIB Group Policy towards Weakly Regulated, Non-Transparent and Uncooperative Jurisdictions (“EIB Group NCJ Policy”).
Ahead of the revision of the EIB Group NCJ Policy, the aim of this seminar was to provide an update and have an open dialogue on:
- Recent regulatory developments in the area of taxation and the designation of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes;
- The interim approach to the EIB Group NCJ Policy, and
- The revision of the EIB Group NCJ Policy.
The seminar took place in the EIB Brussels office and attracted more than 20 participants representing a good mix of civil society organizations, European Institutions, as well as international and bilateral financial institutions.
The seminar was opened by Hakan Lucius (Head of Civil Society Division) who presented the EIB’s role, activities, products and impacts. It was followed by a presentation by Gerhard Hütz (Group Chief Compliance Officer) about the role of compliance within EIB activities and how tax integrity due diligence fits into the project cycle and in the overall compliance framework.
Based on these presentations, Branimir Berković (Head of the Tax Compliance Unit) explained in details the EIB’s approach to tax good governance as well as the key changes and improvements to be introduced by the revised EIB Group NCJ Policy. Of particular interest to the participants was the clarification provided regarding the risk-based approach applied by the EIB which favours an assessment of various potential “red-flags” over a binary approach.
These presentations led to rich and balanced exchanges with participants. The EIB Group’s extensive tax due diligence efforts were commended by stakeholders while the comments provided dealt with key considerations such as the non-compliant jurisdictions’ listing process or the support to developing countries as demonstrated by the physical implementation exception.
The EIB Group would like to thank all the participants for their interest in EIB’s activities as well as for the quality of their contributions in the context of the finalisation of the EIB Group NCJ Policy revision. The Bank remains available to continue such open and constructive exchanges with its stakeholders on these important topics.