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€ 250,000,000
France : € 250,000,000
Transport : € 250,000,000
Signature date(s)
16/04/2012 : € 40,000,000
5/12/2011 : € 40,000,000
28/03/2013 : € 50,000,000
12/06/2013 : € 60,000,000
4/12/2012 : € 60,000,000
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Data sheet

Summary sheet

Release date
11 October 2011
Signed | 05/12/2011
Project name
Promoter - financial intermediary
LGV Est Phase II

Réseau Ferré de France (RFF)

Proposed EIB finance (Approximate amount)
Total cost (Approximate amount)
EUR 500 million
EUR 2 010 million

Financing of the second phase of the LGV Est railway line, consisting of a 106 km high-speed section between Nancy/Metz and Strasbourg. This line is one of the priority TEN-T (trans-European transport network) operations identified by the European Commission and forms part of the Main Line (Magistrale) for Europe (Paris-Strasbourg-Stuttgart-Vienna-Bratislava artery).

The extension of the LGV Est will enhance the attractiveness of the regions and countries concerned and create an enabling environment for development.
The geographical location of the LGV Est Européenne makes it particularly important for improving international services to Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg as well as interregional services between Ile de France, Lorraine, Alsace and beyond via the LGV Rhin-Rhône and high-speed lines from Paris to the south and the west.

Environmental aspects

The LGV Est Européenne high-speed line is included in the French national master plan for high-speed rail links, which was approved by Decree in 1992. The project falls within the categories listed in Annex I to Directive 97/11/EC and has therefore been subject to an environmental impact assessment (EIA) in accordance with French administrative procedures, which fully incorporate Community legislation. The line's route is close to some sensitive Natura 2000 sites.

RFF is bound by Community directives on procurement procedures, in particular Directive 2004/17/EC. All works and services contracts above the thresholds laid down will be put out to international tender, with the notices being published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJ).

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Summary sheet


Before financing approval by the Board of Directors, and before loan signature, projects are under appraisal and negotiation. The information and data provided on this page are therefore indicative.
They are provided for transparency purposes only and cannot be considered to represent official EIB policy (see also the Explanatory notes).

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