On 7 March 2006, the EIB published the final draft of the "EIB Public Disclosure Policy" for information on its website, together with a draft "Public Consultation Report". The EIB Board of Directors will review the disclosure policy and consultation report on 28 March 2006.

The "Public Consultation Report" outlines how the consultation process on the Public Disclosure Policy was conducted, which stakeholder submissions were received, and to what extent these were taken into account. The Report contains a list of formal written stakeholder contributions.

The draft "EIB Public Disclosure Policy" and "Public Consultation Report" are available in English. After Board approval, the Disclosure Policy will be released in all official EU languages.

Timetable of the consultation process
14 December 2004 First announcement on the EIB website of the policy review and public consultation process.
Targeted mailing to interested organizations and individuals.
19 May 2005 Launch of a 45 working days public consultation process on a revised draft policy (Draft I).
22 June 2005 Public Consultation Workshop, Brussels.
19 July 2005 Announcement of an extension of the consultation process beyond the closing date of 21 July.
21 July 2005 Completion of the 45 working days consultation process.
21 October 2005 Launch of a 20 working days consultation process on a re-edited draft policy (Draft II) taking into consideration stakeholder comments from the first round of public consultation.
Public comments from the first consultation round published, for information, on the EIB website.
18 November 2005 Public Consultation Meeting, Brussels.
Completion of the 20 working days public consultation process.
6 January 2006 Public comments from the second round of consultation published, for information, on the EIB website.
21 February 2006 Approval by the Management Committee of the draft Public Disclosure Policy and the Consultation Report.
7 March 2006 Draft Policy and Consultation Report published, for information, on the Bank's website (prior to Board consideration).
[28 March] 2006 Approval by the Board of Directors of the new Public Disclosure Policy
[ ] 2006 Completion of the Policy Review by publishing the new Disclosure Policy Consultation Report on the EIB website.

For information about the previous drafts of the Disclosure Policy and the related public consultation process, please see "EIB's Public Disclosure Policy Review - State of progress" of 6 January 2006

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