Official launch by the Prime Minister of the European component of the "Digital Transformation Acceleration Project in Congo" with funding of around 27 billion CFA francs from the European Union and the European Investment Bank
- A strategic investment in a national priority as part of the development of the digital economy through the "Congo Digital 2025" strategy which emphasizes e-citizens, e-government and e-commerce;
- An axis of the 2022-2026 National Development Plan with a strong social and economic impact: development of digital skills, job creation and diversification of the economy;
- A project that particularly targets youth and gender equality, with particular emphasis on the role of women in digital transformation;
- Three development partners mobilized for this flagship project of 136.5 million euros (about 89.4 billion CFA francs). The project combines a grant of approximately 10 billion CFA Francs from the European Union, a loan of 17 billion CFA Francs from the European Investment Bank and a loan from the World Bank of 100 million USD.
On June 08, 2023, the Prime Minister, Head of Government of the Republic of Congo, Anatole Collinet MAKOSSO, officially launched the European component of the "Digital Transformation Acceleration Project" alongside Mr. Léon Juste IBOMBO, Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Digital Economy, HE Mr. Giacomo DUAZZO, EU Ambassador and Mr. Nikolaos MILIANITIS, Regional Representative of the European Investment Bank (EIB).
The overall objective of the project is to accelerate digital transformation in Congo as a source of jobs and a vector of better governance, in particular by supporting the modernization of public administration information systems and the development of digital economy in the country.
Three development partners are mobilized to finance this flagship project of 89.4 billion CFA francs. The project brings together a donation of 10 billion CFA francs from the European Union, a loan of 17 billion CFA francs from the European Investment Bank and financing from the World Bank of approximately 61.4 billion CFA francs. It is fully aligned with the National Development Plan 2022-2026 and the "Congo Digital 2025" strategy and will be implemented by a project management unit (PMU) under the supervision of the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Digital Economy.
The European component of this flagship project focuses on strengthening governance through digitalization, improving employability through strengthening the digital skills of the Congolese population, personal data protection and cyber security. and the establishment of priority IT systems, particularly in the higher education and health sectors.
After the signing of the agreements relating to this project between the Government of the Republic of Congo and the EU and the EIB, and before the start of the activities for the implementation of the European component on the ground, this event follows the launch of the World Bank components of the project which took place in January 2023, under the high patronage of the Prime Minister.
A project with a strong economic impact
The project aims to support the diversification of the economy in the Republic of Congo. On the one hand, it is about promoting a skilled workforce capable of thriving in a digital economy through the strengthening of digital skills in accordance with business requirements. On the other hand, by using digitalization to improve governance, the project aims to contribute to the improvement of public services for citizens and businesses, to a more efficient public administration, thus contributing to the improvement of the climate. business and investment.
A project for the social inclusion of young people and the empowerment of women
Reducing inequalities and strengthening social inclusion through digitalization while focusing on women and young people is another of the priorities of this project. On the one hand, by developing the digital skills of young people and creating an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship. On the other hand, by encouraging a strong participation of women and girls through dedicated actions. Thanks to this approach, women will now have better equal access to training in digital skills which aim to improve access to the labor market, thus contributing in priority to the economic empowerment of women.
A solidarity project, with strong institutional collaboration
The European Union, the European Investment Bank and the World Bank have been strong partners of African countries for more than half a century. This commitment in Congo further strengthens their presence in Africa with strong collaboration between these institutions. Over the past decade, the European Union, the European Investment Bank and the World Bank have invested in innovative technologies, green energy, water, education, agriculture, telecommunications, l digital economy, health and business in more than 40 countries across the African continent.
« I am delighted that the Bank is supporting such an important project for the development of Congo Brazzaville. Contributing both financially and technically to this project, the EIB demonstrates its commitment to the development of a far-reaching strategic vision for the benefit of the local population. I would like to thank the Republic of Congo Brazzaville for the confidence shown in our institution and the quality of our partnership for many years. On behalf of the EIB, I would like to reiterate our desire to support the Republic of Congo in achieving its development objectives and national priorities. Our commitment to Africa is reflected not only through this project but more generally through the EIB Global, our new branch dedicated to development. Our ambition is to support the EU's Global Gateway initiative and key sectors in countries on the African continent such as innovation, digital economy, renewable energy, water, agriculture and transport. »
Thomas Östros – Vice-president at European investment bank
« We pay a deferential tribute to his Excellency Mr. Denis SASSOU N'GUESSO, President of the Republic, Head of State, who, as an enlightened visionary, is included in the National Development Plan (PND) 2022-2026: a strong diversified and resilient economy for inclusive growth, translation of its social project "Together let's continue walking". »
Mr. Léon Juste IBOMBO, Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Digital Econom
Background information
EIB Global is the EIB Group’s specialised arm dedicated to increasing the impact of international partnerships and development finance. EIB Global is designed to foster strong, focused partnership within Team Europe, alongside fellow development finance institutions, and civil society. EIB Global brings the Group closer to local people, companies and institutions through our offices across the world.
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