Condensed interim financial statements as at 30 June 2022:
- EIB Group consolidated balance sheet, consolidated income statement, consolidated statement of changes in equity, consolidated cash flow statement, notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements under IFRS,
- EIB Group consolidated balance sheet, consolidated income statement under EU accounting directives to IFRS reconciliation,
- EIB Group consolidated balance sheet, consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated cash flow statement, notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements under EU accounting directives,
- EIB balance sheet, off balance sheet, profit and loss account, cash flow statement, notes to the unaudited condensed interim financial statements under EU accounting directives.
All editions of this publication
- Unaudited Condensed Semi Annual Financial Statements as at 30th June 2023
- Unaudited Condensed Semi Annual Financial Statements as at 30th June 2022
- Unaudited Condensed Semi Annual Financial Statements as at 30th June 2021
- Unaudited Condensed Semi Annual Financial Statements as at 30th June 2018
- Unaudited Condensed Semi Annual Financial Statements as at 30th June 2019
- Unaudited Condensed Semi Annual Financial Statements as at 30th June 2020
- Ungeprüfte Finanzausweise (verkürzt) für das Halbjahr zum 30. Juni 2017
- Ungeprüfte Finanzausweise (verkürzt) für das Halbjahr zum 30. Juni 2016
- Ungeprüfte zusammengefasste Halbjahres-Finanzausweise 2015
- Ungeprüfte zusammengefasste Halbjahres-Finanzausweise 2014
- Ungeprüfte zusammengefasste Halbjahres-Finanzausweise 2013
- Ungeprüfte zusammengefasste Halbjahres-Finanzausweise 2012
- Ungeprüfte zusammengefasste Halbjahres-Finanzausweise 2011
- Ungeprüfte zusammengefasste Halbjahres-Finanzausweise 2010
- Ungeprüfte zusammengefasste Halbjahres-Finanzausweise 2009