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The European Investment Bank (EIB) turns 50 in 2008 and, on this occasion, organised a Seminar, together with the National Contact Point in Poland, the Polish Bank Association, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and EcoFund Foundation, on

"Financing Research, Development and Innovation - a Key to the Future"

The Seminar took place at the Meridien Bristol hotel on 6 November 2008 and provided a forum to discuss current Polish initiatives to support the knowledge economy, the financing needs of innovative companies and possible financing instruments available, including the Risk Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF), a new facility established by the EIB and the European Commission. The Seminar was followed by an evening reception hosted by Vice-President Marta Gajecka to officially mark the occasion of the EIB’s 50th Anniversary.

Please find below the links to the presentations made on this occasion as well as the final programme.


The EIB, the European Union’s financing institution, plays an important role in financing public and private investment in the EU. Alongside traditional financing instruments, the EIB offers a number of new financial instruments targeting the financing of research, development and innovation (RDI) as well as renewable/clean energy. Most people are aware of the EIB’s strong record in financing large infrastructure projects such as ports, railways and roads. Less well-known are its new financial products for supporting knowledge-economy and novel technologies. The gradual shift towards a knowledge-based economy in many countries, including Poland, will require increased investment not only in infrastructure, but also in education and RDI.

Partners for the Seminar