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    On 15 and 16 October 2008, the European Investment Bank Group in cooperation with the European Commission will hold in Bratislava a conference on the new instruments in European regional policy addressing public and private stakeholders from all EU Member States.


    Public authorities have been progressively confronted with growing investment needs while the resources available become more and more scarce. This clearly emphasises the need to use available funding in an effective way and at the same time, find complementary sources of investment.

    As part of the continuing effort to make cohesion policy more effective, the European Commission has developed in close collaboration with the European Investment Group and three other partner institutions – EBRD, CEB, KfW – a series of instruments designed both to support project preparation and to increase the use of financial engineering instruments in the context of cohesion policy: JASPERS, JEREMIE and JESSICA. The so called “3Js” provide technical assistance (JASPERS), finance for SMEs (JEREMIE) and support for sustainable urban development (JESSICA). You will find more detailed information on the back of the conference programme.


    Confirmed speakers include European Commissioner Danuta Hübner, Minister Ján Počiatek, Philippe Maystadt, EIB President, CEOs of partner institutions as well as EIB managers and experts.


    • Regional development
    • Financial engineering and structural funds
    • Technical Assistance
    • Finance for SMEs
    • Sustainable urban development