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Référence: 20120062
Date de publication: 16 juin 2015

Promoteur – Intermédiaire Financier




The project supports the implementation of the third phase of the region’s Development and Modernisation Investment Programme, covering the period 2014-2020. It comprises investments in five provincial hospitals of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region in Poland, in order to attain the technical standards required by Polish and EU law. Planned activities include the consolidation, modernisation, rehabilitation, extension and equipping of existing hospitals in Torun, Swiecie, Wloclawek and Bydgoszcz. The project is a continuation of the investments made under the previous phases of the programme, which was also supported by the EIB.


Project benefits are expected to arise from the contribution the project will make to the overall health strategy of the region, as well as from the consolidation of service capacity and the rehabilitation or replacement of existing hospital facilities with modernised, purpose-built infrastructure. This is expected to improve the access to specialised healthcare services and to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of in- and outpatient services, including a more cost-efficient service provision.


  • Santé - Santé humaine et action sociale

Montant BEI envisagé (montant approximatif)

PLN 162 million (EUR 230 million)

Coût total (montant approximatif)

PLN 350 million (EUR 499 million)

Aspects environnementaux

Hospitals are not specifically mentioned in Directive 2011/92/EU on environmental impact assessment (EIA), though the project is covered by Annex II of the directive in relation to urban development, in which case the decision on whether or not an EIA is needed is up to the local competent authorities. The public buildings will have to meet at least the relevant national targets on energy efficiency.

Passation des marchés

The Bank will require the promoter to ensure that contracts for the implementation of the project have been/shall be tendered in accordance with the relevant applicable EU procurement legislation (Directives 2004/18/EC and/or 2004/17/EC as well as Directives 89/665/EEC and 92/13/EEC) as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the EU, with publication of tender notices in the EU Official Journal, as and where required.


Signé - 22/12/2015

Clause de non-responsabilité

Avant d’être approuvés par le Conseil d’administration et avant la signature des prêts correspondants, les projets font l’objet d’une instruction et de négociations. Par conséquent, les informations et données fournies sur cette page sont indicatives.
Elles sont fournies à des fins de transparence uniquement et ne peuvent être considérées comme représentant la politique officielle de la BEI (voir également les notes explicatives).

Mots-clés correspondants

Pologne Santé