- Wasser, Abwasser - Wasserversorgung; Abwasser- und Abfallentsorgung und Beseitigung von Umweltverschmutzungen
The project comprises the construction in Benin of 38 multi-village rural water supply schemes in the Atacora and Donga departments, as well as the extension of the water supply system of the city of Djougou, in the Atacora department.
The general objective of the operation is to support the Government of Benin's Action Plan 2021-2026 and its goal of ensuring universal access to water. The project will increase access to water supply services by improving reliability and continuity of water supply services, increasing resilience to climate change and ensuring good health of the population in the beneficiary areas.
By constructing in Benin 38 multi-village rural water supply schemes and by extending one urban water supply system, the project renders a high economic and social impact in terms of better public health / enabling economic environment, as well as through increased work/school attendance and gender equality. The project falls within the priorities of Benin's national development plan spanning 2018-2025 and with Benin's Government Action Plan 2021-2025.The project is in line with the priorities laid out in the European Commission's Multi-annual indicative programme (MIP) 2021-2027 for Benin. The project will indeed contribute to the development of basic infrastructures in Northern Benin. Basic infrastructure is a necessary condition for maintaining peace and security, which is the objective c) of indicative sector 3 of the MIP. It is fully in line with the EIB Water Sector Lending Orientation and the EIB's operational strategy of supporting the development of social and economic infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa and with the priorities of the NDICI - Global Europe Mandate, which include reducing inequalities and supporting human development, the environment and the fight against climate change. The project is also aligned with Sustainable Development Goal #6 (which calls for ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all).
The project will contribute to support economic growth and environmental sustainability by improving reliability and continuity of water supply services, increasing resilience to climate change and ensuring good health of the population in the beneficiary areas. The Bank's and the EU's contribution to the project is fundamental and complements the earlier interventions of the Bank in the water sector in Benin alongside other financiers. The EIB loan will provide favourable financing terms and conditions including long availability and grace periods. The project will comply with the Bank's high standards.
The project's compliance with the applicable national environmental legislation and the EIB's environmental and social principles will be respected, as will the Promoters' procedures for impact assessment and environmental monitoring.
Implementation of the project will be done in accordance with the Bank's Guide to Procurement.
Under EFSD+ Guarantee
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