- Dienstleistungen - Erbringung von Finanz- und Versicherungsdienstleistungen
Equity participation in a private equity fund investing in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that promote climate action and environmental sustainability in Latin America.
The fund aims to provide equity and quasi-equity support to private companies (SMEs) active in Latin America (with a focus on Brazil) and that promote climate action and environmental sustainability. The Fund will support the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), particularly aiming to limit climate change. The fund has a target size of approximately USD 200m.
The proposed operation consists of an equity participation a new private equity fund focusing on supporting companies that promote climate action and environmental sustainability. The Fund will focus on environmental and social impact, and promote the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) particularly climate action (SDG 13). The Fund will target Latam, with a focus on Brazil.
An EIB commitment is considered critical by the Fund Manager to achieve a successful closing given the leading role of EIB as the EU Climate Bank and experience in investments related to climate action and environmental sustainability globally.
An EIB commitment is expected to trigger the commitment from other investors and to have a strong catalytic effect. With an EIB commitment, the Fund's terms are expected to be negotiated in line with best market practice standards.
A commitment to the Fund will contribute to EU policy and priorities with regards Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability outside of Europe. It will support the achievement of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs), in particular Climate Action, and also a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. It will also represent a private initiative supporting the national action plans against climate change, in particular Brazil's National Policy on Climate Change (Política Nacional de Mudanças Climáticas, "PNMC").
The Fund will support the growth of companies in three main sectors: (i) clean energy and energy efficiency, (ii) sustainable food & sustainable agriculture, and (iii) sustainable urban solutions.
The Fund will contribute to the Bank's Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability targets outside the EU. Therefore, the operation is proposed under the Climate Action and Environment Facility (CAEF).
The fund's operational guidelines will provide for environmental and social due diligence of investee companies according to guidelines acceptable to the Bank.
The fund is expected to comply with EIB's procurement guidelines.
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