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    Référence: 20170147
    Date de publication: 16 novembre 2018

    Promoteur – Intermédiaire Financier




    The project consists of a framework loan under the Resilience Initiative to support the construction of water supply and sewers systems in municipalities impacted by migrants or severe floods crises.


    The project aims at the improvement of water and sanitation services in Serbia, with a focus on access to drinking water supply, access to sanitation, building institutional capacity, improving environmental protection, and achieving sustainability of sector financing. The project will address water and sanitation needs in numerous municipalities in Serbia through financing of a series of small-scale projects.


    • Eau, assainissement - Production et distribution d'eau; assainissement, gestion des déchets et dépollution

    Garantie au titre du MPE

    This operation is covered by the ELM Guarantee.

    Montant BEI envisagé (montant approximatif)

    EUR 50 million

    Coût total (montant approximatif)

    EUR 80 million

    Aspects environnementaux

    The schemes are expected to have minor environmental impacts during construction and no negative residual impacts in the operational phase. Most schemes will be located in a consolidated urban environment and on the existing main routes of water mains and sewers and in the premises of existing facilities or their vicinity. Therefore, the schemes are not likely to have negative impacts on nature conservation areas.

    Passation des marchés

    The Bank will require the promoter to ensure that any procurement procedures are done in accordance with the Bank's Guide to Procurement and the relevant applicable EU public procurement rules.


    Signé - 7/05/2019

    Clause de non-responsabilité

    Avant d’être approuvés par le Conseil d’administration et avant la signature des prêts correspondants, les projets font l’objet d’une instruction et de négociations. Par conséquent, les informations et données fournies sur cette page sont indicatives.
    Elles sont fournies à des fins de transparence uniquement et ne peuvent être considérées comme représentant la politique officielle de la BEI (voir également les notes explicatives).

    Mots-clés correspondants

    Serbie Eau, assainissement