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For the first time in the 70-year history of the United Nations, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has convened the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul. 

The aim of the Summit is to bring together the global community to reaffirm solidarity with people affected by crises and a collective commitment to humanity. In Istanbul, global and local leaders from government, business, civil society and many other sectors will set a forward looking agenda and announce concrete commitments to end conflict, alleviate suffering and reduce risk. 

Over the two days a series of roundtables, thematic events and side events will take place to decide upon transformative action and how humanity needs to be at the heart of all global decision making. 

The EU has been at the forefront of supporting the summit and representatives from across the EU will participate in roundtables to discuss issues such as how to address forced displacement and how EU policy can work to aid core commitments made.  

The EIB will play a key role in discussions on how MDBs can further these commitments. A focus will be placed on the socioeconomic aspects of the crises in which development assistance to host communities is necessary to facilitate the acceptance and inclusion of the forcibly displaced and  also to support the economic resilience and poverty reduction efforts of the countries of origin and transit.   

To ensure responsibilities are met an Agenda for Humanity has been set which lays out 5 core responsibilities: 

  1. Prevent and End Conflict
  2. Respect Rules of War
  3. Leave No One Behind
  4. Working Differently to End Need
  5. Invest in Humanity

To find out how you can be a part of placing humanity at the heart of global decision making then visit the official event website.

World Humanitarian Summit 2016 in Istanbul