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The European Development Days (EDD), organised by the European Commission, bring the development community together each year to share ideas and experiences in ways that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.

The European Investment Bank is participating in the EDD 2021 as we increased our development cooperation with the EU, bringing a joined-up and responsive EU engagement in countries where the needs are greatest.

The EDD 2021 will focus on “The Green Deal for a Sustainable Future”.

Biodiversity loss, climate change and environmental degradation are defining challenges of our generation and require more coordinated and incisive international efforts. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the interlinkages between human health and an healthy planet. The post COVID recovery should be an opportunity to build back greener and more inclusive societies and economies.

Our key events

14 June - Universal and equitable access to healthcare and water: development solutions for Africa

An EIB discussion on the eve of the  European Development Days 2021

  • 10:00 – 12:30 CET
  • Brussels and online

By 2025, half of the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas. In many African countries, access to water is a struggle and lack of safe water causes health risks and the spread of diseases. 

Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges facing healthcare systems in Africa. Insufficient private sector investment is crippling treatment and prevention of endemic diseases and limiting access to affordable care. 

Join our conference online and connect with experts to discuss universal and equitable access to healthcare and water: development solutions for Africa.

We’ll be unveiling our Development Report, that tells the full story of our investments outside the EU: on climate, gender, migration and other areas. We are also releasing our Partnership with Africa paper, a forward-looking statement of our intentions for Africa, which has the delivery of the EU’s Green Deal at its heart.


Introduction by Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, Permanent Representative of the EIB to the EU Institutions

Moderator: Mary O’Mahony, EIB Brussels office


The panel will focus on health. Europe and Africa are committed to working together to tackle COVID-19 and deliver on the climate agenda. As part of Team Europe, the EIB has backed projects to strengthen public health investments, has supported the access to safe and affordable COVID-19 vaccines through COVAX and has contributed to an accelerated access to finance to increase economic resilience and help entrepreneurs and private business to withstand unprecedented challenges caused by the pandemic. The panel aims to discuss with our partners new technologies and solutions to tackle the adverse effects of the pandemic with a special focus on the Sustainable Health Industry for Resilience in Africa.


  • Maria Shaw-Barragan, Director Global Partners, EIB
  • Henriette Geiger, Director Human Development, Migration, Governance and Peace, DG INTPA, European Commission
  • Amadou Alpha Sall, Director, Institute Pasteur de Dakar 
  • Ken Legins, Chief of Supply Chain Strengthening, UNICEF

Moderation: San Bilal, Head of Program Trade, Investment and Finance | Economic and Agricultural Transformation Program, ECDPM

The second panel will focus on water, as it is the primary medium through which climate change influences human societies and ecosystems. Increased frequency of extreme weather conditions has severe impacts on the availability and quality of fresh water resources, giving rise to water-related natural disasters including droughts and floods. New high impact projects backed by the EIB include securing access to clean drinking water for more than five million people in Egypt, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique and Tunisia by supporting innovative water projects and integral water management systems. The panel will be an opportunity for panellists to share their experience on water projects in particular, and more broadly on how these projects support the climate change goals. 


  • Caroline Ogutu, Water Engineer, EIB Nairobi office
  • Jean-Noël Gangloff, Water Expert, Programme Officer, EU Delegation to Kenya
  • Philbert Ishengoma, Project Coordinator, UN Habitat, Nairobi
  • Paul Agwanda, Manager Infrastructure development, LVSWWDA (Lake Victoria South Waterworks Development Agency)

Moderation: San Bilal, Head of Program Trade, Investment and Finance | Economic and Agricultural Transformation Program, ECDPM

Watch the event

15 June – EIB Lab debate - Powering clean and affordable energy solutions for all

Backing renewable energy at scale to support the Green Deal in Africa

  • 16:20 – 17:05 CET
  • Online

Energy demand is increasing faster in Africa than anywhere else in the world. Given the urgent need to expand access to and the availability of increasingly cost-competitive low or zero-carbon energy technologies, there is an opportunity to put in place energy infrastructure that avoids local air pollution while lowering greenhouse gas emissions. The EU Green Deal aims to do just that.

How can we successfully address market gaps and bottlenecks? What is holding back renewable energy investments in Africa? Which are the private-sector led solutions that can help advance the EU commitment to scale clean energy for all in Africa?

This Lab Debate will showcase how we can accelerate Africa’s sustainable energy transition and help catalyse transformational renewable energy investments.


  • Thierry Déau, CEO of Meridiam
  • Ambroise Fayolle, EIB Vice-President
  • Carla Montesi, EC Director 

Moderator – Soren Andreasen, General Manager of EDFI

Find out more

15 June - Brainstorming Lab - Partnerships for climate finance and a green recovery

How to close the climate investment gap and promote a green recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean?

  • 16:00 – 17:15 CET
  • Online

Based on successful practices in the Latin American and the Caribbean region, the session will seek new ideas to trigger transformation for sustainable finance by focusing on three main threads: 1. Strengthening national policy framework conditions; 2. Developing bankable green projects;  3. Creating strong partnerships tailored to sustainable objectives and promoting a green recovery.

Kristin Lang, EIB’s Head of Latin America & Caribbean Division, will facilitate the brainstorming session on developing bankable green projects.  

Find out more

15 -16 June – EIB virtual stand at the European Development Days

Visit our virtual stand at the EDD Global Village and discover how we support developing countries to find and finance innovative climate solutions. Find out more about our projects and exchange views with our experts on topics as varied as financing for water, clean energy, recovery and resilience building and more.

We’ll be unveiling our Development Report, that tells the full story of our investments outside the EU: on climate, gender, migration and other areas. We are also releasing our Partnership with Africa paper, a forward-looking statement of our intentions for Africa, which has the delivery of the EU’s Green Deal at its heart.

Find out more