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    Privacy statement for the EIB’s environmental, climate and social due diligence

    1. Description of the processing operation

    This privacy statement provides information regarding the processing of personal data carried out by the European Investment Bank (the EIB or we / our - responsible controller inside the EIB-) in the context of the collection of data in order to appraise and monitor compliance of EIB projects with the EIB Environmental and Social Standards.

    It describes how and why the EIB, in the course of those activities, processes personal data relating to individuals who may be affected by an EIB project (positively or negatively), live in an area directly or indirectly affected by the project, working in the area affected by the project, are project workers or participate in the project’s stakeholder engagement.

    2. Legal basis and the controller

    Personal data are processed by the EIB (“EIB” or “responsible Controller inside the EIB”) in accordance with Regulation (EC) 2018/1725 of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC.

    In accordance with Article 309 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the task of the European Investment Bank shall be to contribute, by having recourse to the capital market and utilising its own resources, to the balanced and steady development of the internal market in the interest of the Union.

    The processing operation is undertaken with the purpose to adequately allow the EIB to carry out its tasks in the public interest in the course of the collection of data in order to appraise and monitor compliance of EIB projects with the EIB Environmental and Social Standards. Therefore, the processing operation complies with Article 5 (1) of Regulation 2018/1725. It is processed lawfully because it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the exercise of an official authority of the Bank. In some cases, processing is also necessary so that the EIB can comply with its legal obligations.

    3. Why do we process your personal data

    The EIB processes your personal data as reasonably necessary so that it can conduct and manage the environmental, climate and social due diligence performed in the context of appraising and monitoring compliance of EIB projects with EIB Environmental and Social Standards in a reasonable and proper manner, in accordance with applicable law and regulation.

    4. What personal data do we process?

    The following categories of data are collected and processed

    • data subject personal details that can include names, photos, ID documents, assets ownership information, household information, civil status, economic status, phone number, mails, salaries slips, address and other.
    • data collected from employers can include workers’ personal information, pay slips, working hours sheets, medical information and other.

    5. Where do we obtain your personal data?

    The data will be collected from individuals that are either:

    • affected by the project (positively or negatively);
    • live in an area directly or indirectly affected by the project;
    • working in the area affected by the project;
    • project workers; and/or
    • participate in the project’s stakeholder engagement.

    The data can be collected directly from

    • affected people during Environmental and Social Impact Assessments and other relevant assessments and audits, especially in the context of land acquisition and resettlement, labour assessments/audits, health and safety assessments/audits and Stakeholder Engagement processes.
    • affected people during the monitoring of the implementation of actions plans as stablished during the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and other relevant assessment and audits.
    • employers (promoter or promoters’ contractors working on the project).

    6. To whom is your data disclosed?

    We may disclose personal data about you to:

    • EIB project teams
    • Project Promoter
    • EIB Group Complaints Mechanism
    • Relevant national authorities
    • Service providers to the EIB for evaluation/monitoring
    • Service providers to the Promoter
    • External auditors

    7. How long do we keep your personal data?

    The personal data is kept for:

    • a maximum period of thirty years following the end of the implementation period or termination of a lending; and/or other investment activities agreement concluded by the EIB; or the closure of operations in the context of lending and/or other investment activities or advisory services, whichever is the longest; and
    • seven years in respect of lending and/or other investment activities or advisory activities (following the end of the implementation period or termination of the agreement concluded between the Bank and the third party mandator or the closure of operations under a given agreement whichever is the longest) under agreements with third party mandators; or the termination of the business relationship or the rejection of application in the context of lending and/or investment activities or advisory services.

    8. What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

    Your rights are set out in the Regulation (EU) No 2018/1725.

    You have the right to ask us to (i) provide you with a copy of your personal data; (ii) correct your personal data; (iii) erase your personal data; or (iv) restrict our processing of your personal data. You can also object to our processing of your personal data.

    You can also lodge a complaint about our processing of your personal data with the European Data Protection Supervisor ( at any time if you consider that your rights under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 have been infringed as a result of the processing of your personal data by the EIB.

    9. Contact us

    If you have any questions about our processing of your personal data, or wish to exercise any of the rights described above, please contact us: at the EIB Environment, Climate and Social Office (ECSO) by email at or the EIB's Data Protection Officer, Mr. Pelopidas Donos, by email at or at the following address:

    Mr. Pelopidas Donos
    European Investment Bank
    98-100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
    L-2950 Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg)