The study is financed under the FEMIP Trust Fund. This Fund, which was established in 2004 and has been financed – to date – by 15 EU Member States and the European Commission, is intended to support the development of the private sector via the financing of studies and technical assistance measures and the provision of private equity.
The authors wish to thank all the representatives and the coordinators of the various Ministries of Finance or Ministries of external cooperation and/or Planning institutions for their assistance in the organisation of the fact finding missions. They also wish to thank the numerous professionals, experts and executives on both sides of the Mediterranean who have given them advices and precious contributions on the subjects covered in this report.
The authors take full responsibility of the contents of this report, an independent feasibility assessment. The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the view of the European Investment Bank. Although this Document has been prepared in good faith and with the due professional care, this is a global view of the various Mediterranean countries and more in‐depth specific analyses will be necessary for the implementation of a number of the proposed instruments if and when a decision is taken on the launch of the Initiative.