Dario Scannapieco, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank, met the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli in Brussels on Wednesday 4th December. The EP President and the EIB VP discussed the state of Europe’s economy and the role of the EIB in boosting growth and jobs, touching upon the EU Bank’s activity in accession and potential candidate countries. In particular, discussion highlighted the EIB’s commitment to mitigating the impact of the migration crisis and the social benefits of the Bank’s Economic Resilience Initiative (ERI), an extraordinary investment plan adding a fresh €15 billion into financing in the EU’s Southern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans. Read more about the ERI here.
Five countries pledge contributions for the EU Bank’s Economic Resilience initiative to tackle migration and create jobs
Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia have become the first EU Member States to pledge contributions for the European Investment Bank’s Economic Resilience Initiative (ERI). The ERI is an investment programme that helps to tackle the migration challenge in Europe’s Southern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans. Under the ERI, the EU bank is increasing financing in these two regions by EUR 6 billion during the 2016-2020 period mobilising additional investment of 15 billion. The ERI EIB financing comes on top of the EUR 7.5 billion already planned.