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    As part of a public consultation process on its Disclosure Policy Review, the EIB invites all interested parties to discuss a new revised draft disclosure policy (Draft II) in Brussels on Friday 18 November. The meeting's working language is English.

    The draft policy takes into account contributions that were submitted during the first round of consultation (19 May-21 July 2005). A second round of consultation started on 21 October and will end on 18 November.

    Further details on the consultation process are published on the EIB website: Public consultation process on EIB's Disclosure Policy Review. As part of the first round of consultation, a Consultation Workshop was held in Brussels on 22 June.

    Proposed Programme
    Time Programme
    10:30 Registration and coffee
    11:00 Welcome and introduction by EIB's Deputy Secretary General Rémy JACOB
    11:15 Discussions
    13:30 Wrapping up and closing by Rémy JACOB
    13:45-14:45 Lunch

    For the purpose of informed discussions, an explicative note on Draft II, indicating the key modifications as compared to the first draft, will be sent to those who have registered closer to the date.