Tibor Jona
- European Investment Bank
- Communication Department
- 98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer
- L-2950 Luxembourg
- Luxemburg
Companies in Slovakia are on stronger financial footing than ever and business investments in the country are 10% above pre-Covid levels, according to a European Investment Bank (EIB) Group survey. More than three-quarters of Slovak firms have embraced advanced digital technologies and almost 90% have taken steps to guard against the effects of climate change, new country results from the EIB Group Investment Survey (EIBIS) show.
Among the challenges facing Slovakia, respondents ranked climate change eighth. Despite this, nearly nine out of ten Slovak respondents agree that investing now in climate adaptation is necessary to avoid higher costs in the long run, according to the annual Climate Survey commissioned by the European Investment Bank (EIB).
Die Europäische Investitionsbank-Gruppe (EIB-Gruppe), bestehend aus der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) und ihrer Tochtergesellschaft, dem Europäischen Investitionsfonds (EIF), stellte 2023 für die slowakische Wirtschaft 293 Millionen Euro über Kredite und Garantien bereit.