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The EIB - the EU bank
The EIB - the EU bank
September 2014     

MDB collaboration on Climate Action: global effort to meet a global challenge

The international community recognises the need to join forces to avert dangerous climate change. This requires mobilising financial resources from a wide range of sources. A group of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) comprising the AfDB, ADB, EBRD, EIB, IDB and WBG - IFC & WB, are launching the third annual joint report on Climate Finance in developing and emerging countries. The joint approach described in this report measures MDB engagement in climate action in a transparent and harmonised manner.

Project Highlight

2013 was a year of great progress for the EIB’s climate action activities. Climate projects accounted for 27% of our total lending portfolio, underpinning our belief that considering climate action through an economic and social lens can help secure sustainable growth and lasting employment."

Werner Hoyer, EIB President


Did you know ?

EIB financing for climate action in 2013

EIB financing for climate action in 2013

One minute, one project

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