Smart, sustainable, strategic

EUR 14. 3 billion for first signatures in infrastructure in 2017 for a total project cost of EUR 55.9 billion

The EIB’s investments in infrastructure are about helping to ensure that the EU has the necessary physical structures to be able to create a ‘Smart Europe’ and cover:

  • strategic transport;
  • competitive and secure energy;
  • integrated territorial development, including urban renewal and health.

Sound infrastructure is arguably a precondition for the achievement of key objectives across a broad range of other policy areas including: research and development, education and training, sustainable transport, environmental protection and natural resource efficiency, and renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The Bank has a key role to play in providing long-term finance for the development of long-term infrastructure. Its contribution was especially important after the financial crisis which led to a period of under-investment in public and private infrastructure across Europe.Infrastructure investments support progress towards many of the Europe 2020 targets, particularly the efficient and sustainable use of energy.


Strategic transport (including TEN-T)


Competitive and secure energy


Integrated territorial development