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The EIB - the EU bank
The EIB - the EU bank
June 2013     

Giving smaller businesses a boost

The EIB is providing targeted support for small and medium-sized businesses, which are key growth and employment drivers. In 2013, the EIB Group will strive to expand further financing  for smaller companies in Europe and to broaden the range of distribution channels and products. More

Project Highlight

"The EIB sees its support for small and medium-sized businesses in the current economic climate as a number one priority. We will continue to strengthen our support for the years to come."

EIB President Werner Hoyer

Did you know ?

Roughly a quarter of our total lending activity targets SMEs.

EIB Group support to SMEs

EIB & EIF Financial intermediaries

200 000 SMEs

200 000 small and medium-sized enterprises received EIB Group financing in 2012.

One minute, one project

Supporting innovative drug treatments in Hungary

We are supporting research and development into innovative drug treatments in Hungary


Europe’s coherent response

Europe’s coherent response

Supporting microfinance in Kenya

Supporting microfinance in Kenya

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