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EIB at a glance

The European Investment Bank Group has been on the frontline of the European Union’s global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. By providing emergency support for small businesses and innovative start-ups and by financing for vaccines and public health projects, we have helped countries in Europe and beyond weather the crisis. Our European Guarantee Fund has been an integral part of that support and has kept credit channels open for projects that were too risky for commercial banks to fund on their own.

But COVID-19 isn’t the only major challenge the world faces. Climate change continues its inexorable march, and the 2021-2030 decade will be critical in addressing the emergency. Trillions of investments are needed to wean our economies off fossil fuels and to cut carbon emissions. The EIB is doing its part. We are committed to supporting €1 trillion of investment in climate action and environmental sustainability by the end of this decade.

Climate change and its extreme weather also pose stark challenges for developing countries. That is why the EIB is stepping up its business beyond Europe with a new development branch, EIB Global, which began operating in 2022. EIB Global will benefit from our decades of experience financing climate and innovation to help countries leapfrog the polluting stages of industrial growth and move to a green economy.

Creating a sustainable world is an ambitious objective. With every innovative project we finance, the European Investment Bank helps make that goal attainable.

Our impact in 2021

Our priorities are climateinfrastructureinnovation and skills, and small businesses. In addition, EIB lending focuses on social and economic cohesion in the EU and development across the world.


431 000 SMEs and mid-caps

supported by the EIB Group


4.5 million jobs

sustained in SMEs and mid-caps


170 000 students

in educational facilities benefiting from EIB finance


10 million people

with safer drinking water


3.8 million people

with improved sanitation


826 000 people

facing reduced flooding risk


346 million annual additional trips

made on EIB-financed public transport


8.1 million households

powered by additional electricity generation capacity, of which 99.7% comes from renewables


6.8 million new subscribers

with 5G services enabled